236 research outputs found

    Evaluating the impact of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus in Trentino (Alps, Northern Italy): first investigations

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    The spread of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus has been causing great concern regarding the survival of European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) throughout Europe since the 1990s. The disease was first recorded in Trentino (southern Alps, Italy) in 2012 and has spread throughout the mountain landscape, where ash trees are scattered in small and isolated stands in different valleys. The status of the disease was checked by monitoring the damage to natural regeneration and adult trees in 90 sites spread over the whole region. The survey confirmed the complete colonization by the pathogen of the whole investigated area, with high levels of damage to both young and adult ash trees. Regeneration (both seedlings and saplings) was observed to be affected by the fungus in 88 plots out of 90. Out of 4486 examined young European ashes, 2261 (50.4%) were affected and 789 (17.6%) were already dead. Ten of the 384 assayed flowering ashes (Fraxinus ornus) showed symptoms on branches and apical stems, similar to those observed for European ash. Isolation and molecular analysis proved the presence of the fungus on both symptomatic European and flowering ashes. The examined 386 adult trees showed different levels of damage, sometimes reaching more than 75% of the crown. Some individual trees (42) growing close to severely damaged trees appeared fully healthy, which suggests the possible existence of some resistant/tolerant individuals in the examined populations

    Functional characterization and structure-guided mutational analysis of the transsulfuration enzyme cystathionine γ-lyase from toxoplasma gondii

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    Sulfur-containing amino acids play essential roles in many organisms. The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii includes the genes for cystathionine β-synthase and cystathionine γ-lyase (TgCGL), as well as for cysteine synthase, which are crucial enzymes of the transsulfuration and de novo pathways for cysteine biosynthesis, respectively. These enzymes are specifically expressed in the oocyst stage of T. gondii. However, their functionality has not been investigated. Herein, we expressed and characterized the putative CGL from T. gondii. Recombinant TgCGL almost exclusively catalyses the α,γ-hydrolysis of L-cystathionine to form L-cysteine and displays marginal reactivity toward L-cysteine. Structure-guided homology modelling revealed two striking amino acid differences between the human and parasite CGL active-sites (Glu59 and Ser340 in human to Ser77 and Asn360 in toxoplasma). Mutation of Asn360 to Ser demonstrated the importance of this residue in modulating the specificity for the catalysis of α,β-versus α,γ-elimination of L-cystathionine. Replacement of Ser77 by Glu completely abolished activity towards L-cystathionine. Our results suggest that CGL is an important functional enzyme in T. gondii, likely implying that the reverse transsulfuration pathway is operative in the parasite; we also probed the roles of active-site architecture and substrate binding conformations as determinants of reaction specificity in transsulfuration enzymes

    Mosaico e giallume del castagno: due problematiche da non sottovalutare

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    Nel corso degli ultimi anni, in seguito alle segnalazioni dei castanicoltori, l’Università Politecnica delle Marche insieme alla Fondazione Edmund Mach sta portando avanti un monitoraggio fitosanitario in alcune regioni italiane (Marche, Emilia-Romagna, Toscana e Trentino – Alto Adige) per meglio comprendere le cause che determinano improvvise alterazioni cromatiche della chioma di castagni giovani ma anche secolari. Sono stati definiti due quadri sintomatologici, descritti rispettivamente come mosaico e giallume del castagno.In the last years, the Polytechnic University of Marche together with the Edmund Mach Foundation carried out phytosanitary monitoring in some Italian regions to study the main causes of chromatic alterations in the leaves of young and secular chestnut trees. Two main symptoms, described as chestnut mosaic disease and yellowish, have been defined. These studies currently aim to assess the presence of these symptoms in Italian chestnut orchards and old plantations to evaluate their relative spread and danger. At the same time, the potential environmental factors involved in these diseases are investigated to highlight the best plant management to limit the possible damages. The Chestnut R&D Center -Piedmont is collaborating with the research team to improve controls on raw material intended for the new chestnut voluntary nursery certification

    Modificazioni morfo-strutturali placentari nel ritardo di crescita asimmetrico idiopatico

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    Obiettivo: valutare le alterazioni dello sviluppo e della struttura dei villi coriali di placente di gravidanze con ritardo di crescita fetale asimmetrico idiopatico (IUGR) tardivo. Pazienti e metodi: sono state esaminate 45 placente di pazienti con IUGR idiopatico con parto, per via vaginale o addominale, espletato dal gennaio 2001 al dicembre 2007 . L'esame istologico è stato condotto secondo le linee guida del Gruppo Italiano di Anatomia Patologica. La diagnosi di IUGR è stata posta sulla base dell'evidenza clinica ed ultrasonica di ridotta crescita fetale e basso peso neonatale in associazione a riduzione del liquido amniotico e a placenta “matura” all'esame USG. Risultati: l'esame istologico ha evidenziato lesioni dello sviluppo e della struttura dei villi tipici della ipoperfusione cronica placentare così definite: maturazione accelerata dei villi (ipermaturità villare), villite ischemica (equivalente a microinfarti) ed infarti. In 10 casi, insieme a tali lesioni, ne è stata identificata un'altra , definita “ipercapillarizzazione dei villi”, che si associa ad una condizione di ipossia relativa del sangue materno che circola tra i villi. Conclusioni: il ritardo di crescita intrauterino asimmetrico idiopatico può essere ricondotto ad alterazioni dell'angiogenesi e vasculogenesi che avvengono nelle fasi iniziali della gravidanza. Ciò determina una condizione di ipossia placentare con alterazioni dello sviluppo dei villi tipici della ipoperfusione cronica placentare

    Congenital hepatic mesenchymal hamartoma associated with mesenchymal stem villous hyperplasia of the placenta: case report

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    A newborn with an unusual association of hepatic mesenchymal hamartoma and mesenchymal stem villous hyperplasia of the placenta is presented. At birth, the large hepatic mass caused severe respiratory distress necessitating early surgical intervention. This report on the association of hepatic mesenchymal hamartoma and mesenchymal stem villous hyperplasia of the placenta strongly suggests a common pathogenetic origin of the 2 lesions

    Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Device Infection and New Insights About Correlation Between Pro-inflammatory Markers and Heart Failure: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Introduction: Surgical approaches to treat patients with abnormal pro-inflammatory parameters remain controversial, and the debate on the correlation between hematological parameter alteration in cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED) infection and the increase in mortality continues. Methods: We performed a systematic review using the PubMed, Scopus, and Cochrane Library databases. Twenty-two articles from May 2007 to April 2020 were selected and divided according to the following topics: prevalence of microbes in patients with CIED infection; characteristics of patients with CIED infection; comparison between patients who underwent and did not undergo replantation after device extraction; and correlation between alteration of hematological parameters and poor prognosis analysis. Results: Epidemiological analysis confirmed high prevalence of male sex, staphylococcal infection, and coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS). The most common comorbidity was heart failure. Complete removal of CIED and antimicrobial therapy combination are the gold standard. CIED replacement was associated with higher survival. High preoperative white blood cell count and C-reactive protein levels increased the risk of right ventricular failure (RVF) development. Increased red blood cell distribution width (RDW) value or decreased platelet count was correlated with poor prognosis. No correlation was noted between preoperative leukocytosis and CIED infection